"This is what made the difference for me...finally..."

Struggling to make sobriety stick?

Then It's Time For A Reset!

After being alcohol free for 30+ years, I’ve learned more than a few shortcuts. 

Do you ever think:
"I love it, but I hate it. Why can't I get a grip on this sh*t?"
  • It's making you wake up in the middle of the night
  • ​You feel sick and tired in the morning
  • ​You feel guilty and ashamed about your drinking
  • ​Your skin looks red and blotchy
  • ​You are irritable and cranky with your family
If you do, then trust me... you are not alone!
Dear Ambitious, Intelligent, Sober-Curious Women:


...without relying on willpower or feeling deprived? Would you do it?

If you’re here, it’s likely not the first time you’ve thought about quitting.
And if you’ve ever tried to quit and slipped, you’ve probably already spent time beating yourself up thinking:

 “I have no f*n’ willpower.”

Or maybe you’ve mostly managed your drinking … telling yourself, “It isn’t that bad,” or “Nobody has noticed yet.” (#EveryoneHasNoticed)
You might think you should be able to control it. But then you’re at the end of a stressful day of Zoom meetings, homeschooling restless kids, a sink of dirty dishes, or a crabby husband you can’t get space from…and there it is - the bottle.
One glass turns into two, two turns into a whole bottle 

(… or two … or three). 

A few hours later you wake up after a horrible night’s sleep, with a pounding headache, in a crappy mood.

And you realize yeah, maybe it really is that bad...
And if you're anything like the women I meet, every failed attempt can make it easy to self-blame and self-shame. 

You think, why am I self-sabotaging?! 

You know what to do - you just can’t seem to stop yourself from doing it. And most likely that leads you to start wondering if you’re certifiably weak, a horrible person, or just plain broken beyond repair.

here's the truth - It’s not your fault...

But it is your responsibility

and You’ll NEVER win the "WILLPOWER" game.

( At best you’ll get short term results )
Most people think giving up drinking is all about willpower. But willpower is tough. 

Especially when it means giving up on the ONE thing that brings relief...(at least for a little while).

Consider this:
when you think about quitting…

which of these comes up for you?

  • No social life  -  You envision your friends not wanting to hang out with you because well, you’re no fun anymore. (OMG, as if!)
  • You’ll become boring - You imagine sitting on the couch binging on Netflix and eating ice cream to avoiding social events where people are drinking and having fun. 
  • ​"I'm broken". - You think "I've tried and failed so many times, maybe I'm just fundamentally broken". (Spoiler Alert: that's a FALSE limiting belief you can change). 
  • Anxiety attacks. Even just imagining giving up alcohol FOREVER, is enough to make you feel a little (or maybe a lot) panicky.
With so much to dread just thinking about quitting, it’s no wonder so many women hesitate to take the leap to an alcohol-free life.
But it doesn't have to be that way!
Here’s what I know for sure...
With the right information, tools and support - ANYONE can remain alcohol free (one day at a time).
BUT it doesn’t happen through willpower. People don’t stop drinking simply by "white knuckle-ing" it or doing the same things over and over again.


People stop drinking when they find a sufficient substitute.

When they get the right information, identify & change subconscious patterns,  transform negative thoughts, learn emotion management,  and sprinkle in regular self-care. 

Sobriety is not just about not about giving up alcohol, it’s about adding in simple solutions that help you feel great about life again!

When you understand how alcohol affects your brain and behaviors, you can reclaim your life and feel free!
How Do I Know?

Hi, my name is Arlina. 

I've been where you are now...

I know what it feel like to want to stop drinking. I felt like I tried everything, but I failed over and over, and I started to hate who I was becoming.

My last drink was over 30 years ago. I  found a new way of life that has lead to being married to the love of my life for 23 years, raising two amazing young men, a successful career and a wealth of friends. 

More importantly, I love who I am today. I want the same for you.

I’ve not only experienced the life-changing results of these practices myself, but over nearly 3 decades, I’ve also helped hundreds of women do the same.

What I discovered is that at the core of every drinking disorder, there is one consistent problem: The brain has been programed through repetition for unhealthy behaviors - at a subconscious level.

By rewiring our brains through neuroscience, and new habits, we can change our thought patterns, our behaviors to recreate our lives. 

That’s why I’m so excited to Introduce:


How to Quit Drinking - A 30 Day Self-Paced Course

This is a Private Self-Study Program designed to help you get sober, release fear, and transition into a fulfilling (and fun) life, free of alcohol.
  • No Ridged Rules: All paths to change are honored and you decide what's best for you

  • No Offensive Labels: Start feeling more confident, not guilty or shamed

  • No Religious Requirements: Spiritual + Scientific = The best of both worlds!

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get for just $97!

The 6 Sobriety Reset Modules:

($697 Value)

The Sobriety Reset Experiment

Sober Motivation

The Ultimate Sobriety Toolkit

Managing Triggers & Cravings

Boundary Bootcamp

How to Socialize Sober and Have Fun!

That’s why I’m so excited to Introduce:

How to stop drinking without feeling deprived

This is a Private Self-Study Program designed to help you get sober, release fear, and transition into a fulfilling (and fun) life, free of alcohol.
  • No Ridged Rules: All paths to change are honored and you decide what's best for you
  • No Offensive Labels: Start feeling more confident, not guilty or shamed
  • No Religious Requirements: Spiritual & Scientific - The best of both worlds!

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get for just $497!

The 6 Sobriety Reset Modules: ($697 Value)
The Big Question - "Am I An Alcoholic?"
(and why it doesn't matter)
The Top 3 Triggers & How to Resolve Them
The Sobriety Checklist 
The Sorting Process
(How to keep the good, release the bad) 
The Freedom Formula
How to Have Sober Fun!
Black Friday Sale - Get Access To These 6 Bonuses For A Limited Time!

BONUS #1. Private Facebook Group 

Instant Community of Women Who 

“Get It” 

Value: Priceless

There’s a common misconception that people challenged by drinking fit a certain stereotype (and nothing like you). And when you discover you’re not alone - it can be life-changing. That’s why when you enroll you’ll get immediate access into a private community of Intelligent, accomplished women just like you. Women who have it together - except for this one thing and are here with you to resolve that. And the best part? When you enroll, you can stay - even after the 30 days and continue to create new lifelong friendships.

BONUS #2. Neuro Hacking  

The Neuroscience of Behavior Change Mini-Course

Value: $197

When it comes to controlling your state of mind, no one knows the struggle like someone who has tried to do it and couldn’t. Your mind says one thing and your actions say another. In this mini-course we will look into the reality of brain hacking and how you can use it to your advantage when it comes to sobriety.
BONUS #3: Sobriety Toolkit 

Resource Guide

All The Tools for Transformation 

Value: $297

Getting sober can often feel like the world is stacked against you. There can be so many unknowns and so much to learn. Like a support hotline, the Sobriety Toolkit is a resource for exactly that reason. The kit contains apps, websites, resources etc., all for you when you need it.

BONUS #4: The Sober Sex Guide 

With Cindi Roberts  

Value: $197

Sex can be incredibly vulnerable experience and for many alcohol can be a crutch. But once you get sober sex becomes a much more conscious experience. In this expert interview we’ll cover what comes up with sober sex the good feelings and the bad and how to deal with all of it.

BONUS #5. The Sleep Solution 

How To Fall Asleep Without Alcohol

Value: $197

When you have trained yourself to fall asleep with alcohol, it can be challenging to get back to healthy sleep patterns. In this guide, you'll learn from a quadruple board certified doctor who specializes in addiction issues. You'll learn how to fall asleep naturally, to wake up refreshed!
BONUS #6: Boundary Bootcamp 

How to Say No & Not Feel Guilty 

Value: $197

Ever feel like you're either the doormat or the dictator? Or say yes, when you really mean no? Find out how what healthy boundaries really are, how to set them, and how to shape them so that you can take your power back and stay peaceful, even when you just want to tell people "no" and not feel guilty about it.

It's a Limited Time Special...Offer Expires Soon!


TODAY: $97

When you enroll you’ll get immediate access to:
6 CORE Training Modules
Value $697

MODULE #1: How to Answer - "Am I An Alcoholic?"

Find out why that's not a helpful question, and what is

Most people have the mistaken belief that by deciding you stop drinking, it means you're an "alcoholic". Not true. But that old-school way of thinking actually prevents a lot of people from seeking the specific type of help they need. Even if you know exactly what your issues are when it comes to alcohol, you’ll leave with a whole new understanding of the way to help that will be most relevant to you.

You'll get:

  • ​Clarity on what an alcohol-free life really means (hint: it’s not the same for everyone).
  • ​A new framework for the specific solution that will be most beneficial to you.

MODULE #2: The Emotion Sorting Process - Relapse Prevention

Discover the subconscious beliefs that drive compulsive drinking

If you’re challenged by alcohol, it’s likely you know what you want to do, you just don’t know how to make yourself do it. It’s not your fault. There’s a hard-wired disconnect between our logical minds and emotional ones. In this module we get to the root of all of it, so that you can close the gap between knowing and applying.

You'll leave with....

  • ​A roadmap to your own emotions so that you can uncover, discover, and discard.
  • ​Clarity around what you can let go of and what you can own.

MODULE #3: The Drinking Trigger Traps

How to Avoid the Top 3 Drinking Triggers 

Most people want to avoid temptation and stay in control, but wanting it and doing it are often two different things, especially when it comes to alcohol. There’s no magic, but there are simple techniques to managing drinking triggers and it starts with knowing exactly what they are for you.

You'll walk away knowing...

  • ​Your top 3 drinking triggers and how to avoid them.
  • ​Exactly what to do if you get triggered so that they don’t cause a relapse.

MODULE #4: The Ultimate Sobriety Checklist 

How to win the morning to win the day

Most people start the day without much intention. But adding a few fundamental shifts in your morning routine can make a huge difference in the way the day plays out (i.e. sober or not sober). In this module we look at the reasons behind self-care as well as the what, when and how that can have the biggest impact on your sobriety.

You'll walk away knowing...

  • ​A way to drastically increase your odds for staying sober for the entire day.
  • ​Rituals for self-care that you can come back to time and again.

MODULE #5: The Emotion Freedom Process

How to break the chains of guilt and shame.

If you’ve been struggling with drinking, it’s likely that you’ve also struggled with negative feelings, guilt, shame, anger etc. This module we look at how to become free of the burden from those negative feelings so that they no longer control your life.  

You'll walk away with...

  • ​A proven process to resolve guilt and shame, and take your power back.
  • ​A proven process for transmuting your negative feelings and experiencing joy instead.

MODULE #6: How to Socialize Sober and Have Fun!

How to rewire your brain for fun - without alcohol!

There’s a common misconception that life without alcohol is boring or will be no fun. There are a lot of factors that go into that way of thinking including years of social conditioning. But the good news is - you can rewire your brain to think differently and in this module we’ll show you how.

You'll walk away knowing....

  • ​How to reset your brain's dopamine reward system to feel joy alcohol-free.
  • ​A resource guide with more fun things to do than you can fit into a lifetime, and a strategy to implement them.
When you finish the 30-Days in the Sobriety Reset™ program, you’ll feel relieved, 

free and peaceful. And you’ll likely experience a whole new way of looking at life 

(that you hadn’t known was possible before)

The process was magical and transformational ...

“Arlina has a great way of approaching sobriety in a practical way that produces real results. I love that she embraces spirituality and uses it to help women in their personal growth journey. The process was magical and transformational."

- Brandi
Free from Alcohol
Where you: 
  • ​wake up rested, hopeful, inspired, and connected 
  • ​look forward to the mornings...excited to start the day
  • ​feel engaged with life, motivated and healthy
Imagine feeling so grateful for:
  • consistent days of no drama.
  • ​being present with your kids.
  • ​a simple dinner conversation with your spouse (that ends on a happy note).
Imagine knowing that you can handle whatever stress life throws your way.

Your social life is thriving.

Your family relationships are healthy.

Your financial issues are resolving.

You’re attracting a life that feels beautiful.

Millions have overcome this...You can too!
When you let go of the idea that you have to quit by yourself, armed only with willpower

And focus instead on developing real connections, self-care, all to rewire your brain for sobriety.

I have grown and have inner peace…

"I have been dealing with self-esteem issues and self negative defeating thoughts since I was a little girl. Arlina helped me to get to the core of this. She had a kind and loving way and great tips and wisdom. I have grown and have inner peace."

- Trisha

A whole new perspective…

"All this time I thought I was just weak and honestly, kind of a bad person. What I now realize is that all I needed was to know there was another way! I'm so much happier now and I don't even miss the wine-down time."

- amanda
"A problem cannot be solved with the same mind that created it." 

- Albert Einstein

I highly recommend working with Arlina ...

"I had been struggling with boundary setting, self love and hurts from my past. Working with Arlina has given structure around healing my past by not being afraid of it but writing, talking and praying about it. I highly recommend working with Arlina as she offers a safe and wise place to share truth."

- Lisa
frequently asked questions
How is this different from a program like AA? 
The Sobriety Reset program is a self-paced online program for you to do from the comfort of your own home. AA has helped millions of people for decades (including me) - but it’s not for everyone. This is a short-term introduction into the world of sobriety and takes a more positive approach. There are no rigid rules, no requirements for religious beliefs. It’s a woman-centered, inclusive, respectful, loving, and empathetic, program focused on your best future self (and having fun!).
Is this for the ‘Sober Curious’ or someone with a hard-core desire to stop?

Either one! When you change the way you think about drinking, and apply the course, then your behavior will change. That’s why it doesn’t matter whether your goals are to “see what it’s like to quit for 30 Days” or you’re committed to sobriety for good. 

What Results can I realistically expect?
Like any program - what you get out of it is completely dependent on how much you put into it. You’ll be guided through the principles of getting sober from the inside out and have a loving supportive community to ask questions as they come up. It is absolutely possible to quit drinking because you’ll have the tools to support you and be surrounded by a supportive community.
How much time will it take?
The Sobriety Reset program is designed with a ‘one-day-at-a-time’ mantra so that it never feels overwhelming. It’s self-paced and self-directed. In addition, the community is there to support you whenever you need it.
What if I can’t get through it in 30-Days - will I still have access to the group?
The number #1 goal of the Sobriety Reset program is to help you live a life without alcohol - and ultimately learn to enjoy life beyond your wildest imagination. That’s why you’re welcome to stay in the private online community for as long as it exists and/or it’s a mutually beneficial resource. 
Let Me Ask You This...
If this one small investment could turn your life around and bring ease, peace, and joy into your world again - wouldn’t that be worth it?


Truth is no one sets out to let alcohol get the best of them. 

But it often gets the best of us anyway.

Let’s Recap - Sobriety Reset™
Private Online Program to Living an Alcohol-Free Life
When You Enroll, You Get Immediate Access:

6Vault of 6 Core Training Modules ........................... (Value $697)

BONUS #1: Private FB Group............................. (Value Priceless)

BONUS #2: NeuroHacking Mini-Course ............... (Value $197)

BONUS #3: Sober-Sex Expert Interview ............... (Value $197)

BONUS #4: Sobriety Toolkit ....................................... (Value $197)

BONUS #5: The Sleep Solution...................................(Value $197)

BONUS #6: Boundary Bootcamp...............................(Value $197)

Offer Expires Soon!

Total Value = $1782

Today: $97

My world is opening before me with exciting options I never saw before.. 

‘Arlina is a phenomenal coach. She brings the expertise developed in more than two decades of helping people. Her insight has helped me and challenged me to go further than I thought I could. My world is opening up before me.” 

- Teri C.
You can do this.... all with a safety net

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the course, the bonuses, or the extras within 7 days, we will offer you a full refund, for any reason.

That means you can enroll today, and you don’t even have to decide if you’re in for good! Take the full 7 days to explore the materials and experience the vibe of Sobriety Reset™ and then make a decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t.

Thanks for being a light in the world..

‘The self-care tools that you shared with me have changed my soul and I truly feel like I’m living with the sunshine of the spirit. What a blessing!

- JOslynn B.
If You Could Have Done It By Yourself, Wouldn't you have done it already?
BUT now you can get access to everything you need to succeed

All you have to do is make the choice to begin Your 30-Days. 

One day at a time

Ready to Get Started Today? Get Instant Access Now!

Sobriety Reset™

30-Days to An Alcohol-Free Life

The 6 Sobriety Reset Modules: ($697 Value)
The Big Question - "Am I An Alcoholic?"
(and why it doesn't matter)
 The Top 3 Triggers & How to Resolve Them
The Sobriety Checklist 
The Sorting Process
(How to keep the good, release the bad)
The Freedom Formula
How To Have Sober Fun!
Don't Miss Out On These Special Bonuses!

BONUS #1. Private Facebook Group 

Value: Priceless

There’s a common misconception that people challenged by drinking fit a certain stereotype (and nothing like you). And when you discover you’re not alone - it can be life-changing. That’s why when you enroll you’ll get immediate access into a private community of Intelligent, accomplished women just like you. Women who have it together - except for this one thing and are here with you to resolve that. And the best part? When you enroll, you can stay - even after the 30 days and continue to create new lifelong friendships.

BONUS #2. Neuro Hacking  

The Neuroscience of Behavior Change Mini-Course

Value: $197

When it comes to controlling your state of mind, no one knows the struggle like someone who has tried to do it and couldn’t. Your mind says one thing and your actions say another. In this mini-course we will look into the reality of brain hacking and how you can use it to your advantage when it comes to sobriety.
BONUS #3: Sobriety Toolkit 

Resource Guide

All The Tools for Transformation 

Value: $197

Getting sober can often feel like the world is stacked against you. There can be so many unknowns and so much to learn. Like a support hotline, the Sobriety Toolkit is a resource for exactly that reason. The kit contains apps, websites, resources etc., all for you when you need it.

BONUS #4: The Sober Sex Guide 

With Cindi Roberts  

Value: $197

Sex can be incredibly vulnerable experience and for many alcohol can be a crutch. But once you get sober sex becomes a much more conscious experience. In this expert interview we’ll cover what comes up with sober sex the good feelings and the bad and how to deal with all of it.

BONUS #5. The Sleep Solution 

How To Fall Asleep Without Alcohol

Value: $197

When you have trained yourself to fall asleep with alcohol, it can be challenging to get back to healthy sleep patterns. In this guide, you'll learn from a quadruple board certified doctor who specializes in addiction issues. You'll learn how to fall asleep naturally, to wake up refreshed!
BONUS #6: Boundary Bootcamp 

How to Say No & Not Feel Guilty 

Value: $197

Ever feel like you're either the doormat or the dictator? Or say yes, when you really mean no? Find out how what healthy boundaries really are, how to set them, and how to shape them so that you can take your power back and stay peaceful, even when you just want to tell people "no" and not feel guilty about it.

Arlina Allen, SoberLifeschool.com, this website, and its content, do not provide medical diagnosis or advice, or alcohol, drug addiction or substance abuse treatment, or detoxification services. For additional information see the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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